Saturday 4 August 2012

5 paragraph Junior assignment


Good Source of Exercise

-          Walking 18 holes of golf 2-3 times a week can improve your fitness
-          Walk 5 miles and burn 1450 calories if you play 18 holes
-          Oxygenate the body
-          Improve flexibility and posture
-          Lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer

Strong Social Component

-          Spend quality time with getting to know new friends and your current friends better
-          Conduct formal business in a friendly environment considered the sport of the business world
-          Spend time with loved ones while introducing them to a fun activity that can be relatively inexpensive if you pick the course wisely


Competitive in Nature

-          Can compete against yourself by trying to keep your handicap down and best your own score
-          Enter tournaments to win prizes competing individually or with a group
-          Participate in long-drive and putting contests during charity events


Golf is a popular pastime because it is an addicting source of exercise, has an alluring social component, and is highly competitive in nature.

     Golf courses around the world, at this very moment, with their beauty and intrigue, are trying to pull the human race into their utopia. And they are winning. For three to four hours every day millions of people use the golf course as a place for refuge and the opportunity to forget about the outside world. The rolling hills, pristine horticulture, and the lurking wildlife, make this the perfect setting for an afternoon stroll. In addition, playing golf has many physiological advantages. Golf is an excellent source of exercise, takes place in a competitive environment, and contains a strong social component that many find quite attractive. As a result, many factors come together to make golf one of the most popular pastimes for athletes and non-athletes alike.
     Nothing feels better than being outside, the wind on your cheeks, and working up a sweat taking part in an enjoyable activity. For many, golf is that activity. Golf is conducive to people of all shapes and sizes because it does not take a significant amount of individual fitness to be enjoyed. That being said, it is an excellent source of exercise that can improves fitness levels significantly depending on the amount of golf played each week. It is a fact that walking eighteen holes of golf each week is a source of exercise that improves personal fitness and health, and lowers risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. A golfer walks approximately five miles and burns 1450 calories on an average eighteen-hole golf course. Furthermore, the exercise involved helps oxygenate the body and improve posture and flexibility. Playing golf allows individuals to gain fitness benefits that are imperative to a longer and happier life.
     The fact that golf is a form of exercise that can be enjoyed socially is another benefit of the game. Golf provides a forum for which people have the opportunity to spend quality time getting to know new friends and current friends better. People come together to talk about everything from cars to technology, literature to carpentry – with golf being the secondary focus during the conversations. In addition, golf has become an opportune place to connect with loved ones while introducing them to a fun sport that can be relatively inexpensive if you pick the course wisely. It is also an easy sport to participate in, in a low-energy environment, which allows for easier conversation. Finally, the golf course has become a popular place to conduct formal and informal business because of the friendly surroundings. Thousands of business deals get started – and finished – on the golf course. Most business people would rather be outside than inside on a warm summer day.
     Competition is not for everyone, but for some people it is everything. For that reason golf is the perfect activity because you can play it with varying degrees of competitive intentions in mind. For the low-competitive individual, golf is a good game to try and beat previous scores by beating the golf course. In this way, golfers focus on lowering their handicaps and improving different aspects of their game. If golfers heading to the course are looking for a more competitive round, they can choose to play with more competitive partners, or they can enter tournaments to win prizes competing individually or with a group. There are also competitions on the golf course that look at the specific skills involved in the game, such as long-drive and putting contests that may occur during charity events. The degree of competition is up to the golfer playing the game. This degree can be lowered or heightened by making smart choices relating to who you play with and where you play the sport.
     There are many factors that intrigue people about picking up the game of golf. Aside from the scenery, golf provides many benefits that people long for. Golf is a popular pastime, for a wide-array of individuals, because it is an excellent source of exercise, has an alluring social component, and is highly competitive in nature. The next time you want to get outside, think about picking up a golf club, walking a few holes, and spending some time with friends. Just remember, the person with the lowest score picks up the tab; either that or the highest score – the choice is up to you.
Did you indent each paragraph (five times)? YES
Do you have your capitals and periods? YES
Did you write from margin to margin? YES

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