Saturday 4 August 2012

Harry Potter Diary Assignment

Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Character: Harry Potter
Background Information: I fount this entry to be interesting. As students we have performed tasks of this nature, and as teachers we have likely asked for a “diary” entry from our students. This assignment made me think about what we ask of our students, and how clear we are in our instructions. I tried to think of this assignment from the perspective of a junior learner – and wondered if the instructions would be clear enough. I suspect there would have to be more of a rationale provided for students of this age group. I was rather pleased to see that characters from Harry Potter were appropriate for the junior level. It gave me an edge with the assignment because I am such a big fan of the series. That being said, writing “Dear Diary” is not for me. Therefore I had Harry write to his owl Hedwig. At the point of this entry, Hedwig had already passed away after saving Harry’s life. Also, I believe that Harry would be reluctant to write a diary, because Tom Riddle (Voldemort) had once written a diary as a student at Hogwarts. I hope you enjoy the entry; I look forward to the feedback.  
Dear Hedwig,
                So much is changing. There has been so much destruction, so much pain. I wish you were with me, even though I am glad you are not here to see what has happened. Hogwarts is no longer recognizable. I can’t imagine how it will ever be rebuilt, and more sadly, if there will even be a purpose to do so. The Order of the Phoenix put up a valiant fight, but we are fading. I do not know if I have the strength to carry out our mission. Why was I put in this situation? Why did it have to be me? I was just a child; I did not have any say in the matter. I certainly did not ask to be the centre of attention the past seven years, or the boy that everyone leered at or told stories about. For the past seven years I have had to deal with this idea that everyone knows who I am…and for what? So we could all end up right here, right now, moments away from anarchy and death? I miss everyone, and I feel guilty for what has happened to them. I know my parents’ deaths were not my fault, but somehow I feel responsible. It is because of me – Voldemort’s hatred of me, his desire to kill me – that many people lives have been lost. Sirius, Dumbledore, Professor Lupin, Fred Weasley and so many others gave their lives to save me…and I fear that they may have died in vain.
                It is time for me to confront Voldemort. I am about to walk out and meet him in the forest. I am ready to confront the demon that robbed me of my parents. I have said goodbye to Ron and Hermione – it was the most difficult thing I have ever done; they have no idea what lies ahead. They believe in me, they believe that I can defeat Voldemort, and that our lives will be restored, but they have not seen what I have seen.  How could I have been so wrong about everything? For seven years…SEVEN YEARS…I was too blind, too naïve, too innocent to recognize that Professor Snape was doing everything in his power to protect me. I can never forgive myself. All I can hope is that I will be able to see him again when this war takes my life. And that’s how it will end – I have sensed it would end this way for a while now – either Voldemort will kill me with the “Avada Kedavra” curse, or I will die killing him. A part of Voldemort lives inside me. I don’t know how to feel knowing that his evilness lurks deep in my heart. Has everything been a lie? The truth has been kept from me my entire life. Why has everything become so clear to me now? Why do I have to know the truth now? Why didn’t Snape come to me sooner with the truth – with his true intentions? I would have kept his secret. Why did I have to find out the truth from Snape’s memories…not Snape himself? – or Dumbledore. Dumbledore…I trusted him more than anyone – I have always done what he has asked. Why didn’t HE tell me that one day Voldemort would return…and that my life would end? I feel so alone. I feel like everything has been a lie. I want to rewind the past seven years and spend more time getting to know Professor Snape. I know they were trying to protect me, but maybe all this could have been prevented had I known the truth from the start.    
                I am not afraid to die, nor am I afraid to die at the hands of Voldemort. I will face him in the forest not out of spite, or anger, and not to avenge my parents’ death or those that I love. Instead I will face Voldemort for Ron and Hermione. I will confront Voldemort for Professor McGonagall and for those that still believe in Hogwarts and using magic for good. And I will defeat Voldemort for everyone in the world that doesn’t understand his power. And when I die defeating Voldemort I will think of Ginny, protecting her from afar for the rest of her life.
See you soon Hedwig.

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